Monday, April 16, 2012

Santa Marta sign off.....

I think this might be the end of a “bike tour blog” as it just doesn’t look like we are going to do all that much touring in Columbia between now and when we fly home. We had heard from a couple of touring cyclists that had come down to Patagonia all the way from North America who said that Columbia was their favourite place to tour. They probably came down to Cartagena by boat and rode through the valley where Medellin is.  They talked about how warm and helpful  the people were.
We are encountering that too. People who’s vibe is so friendly it melts you like the initial rush of alcohol. More than once we have had young guys come up to us while on bikes to ask about our trip or offer to help us out however they could and they are really full of admiration for what we are doing. 

That said when you look at a map there are not a lot of alternate routes to the main ones through the country and there are a lot of diesel trucks on the road.  They are courteous but the pollution is pretty bad. Here on the coast near Santa Marta it is a desert and other than the tourist areas on the beaches they do little trash pick-up. If you have ever been to places like Baja you know that trash sticks well to desert plants and is a real eye sore. Plus although most Colombians are very nice, we really stand out with the red and yellow panniers and feel like we must look so affluent.  Being  supper easy targets is hard to get out of your mind. We have yet to see any foreign bike tourists. Maybe if we had real rag tag warn out equipment it would help but also unless you are in touristy areas being a gringo you really stand out as well. People call out gringo in a nice way from the side of the roads all the time.
We will probably do some more riding but will probably minimize that and include a fair amount of swimming and hiking. We may even hire some guides to go to the remote northeast coast. In any event I do not want to have to try and  prop up the semblance of a bike blog. I may post some more pictures.

The people of the Caribbean coast near Santa Marta are really diverse. It is hard to guess what sort of ethnic heritage the people you see are. There are all different faces and body types with lots of mixed blood blacks. The more black people are some of the warmest even though they are often just scraping by.
We are goiong to focus on safely enjoying the rest of our trip....